Sparse Matrices

While Julia provides a data structure for sparse matrix computations, the employed design decisions make it difficult to use this implementation for computations over finite fields. This is mainly due to the fact that in the Julia implementation, it is assumed that one can determine the zero and one elements from the data type alone. However, a finite field data type generally also depends on additional parameters, such as the characteristic of the field.

Since the algorithms underlying ConleyDynamics.jl only require basic row and column operations, a specialized sparse matrix implementation is provided in the package. It is briefly described in the following.

Sparse Matrix Format

Sparse matrices in this package have to be of the composite data type SparseMatrix, which is structured as follows:


Composite data type for a sparse matrix with entries of type T.

The struct has the following fields:

  • const nrow::Int: Number of rows
  • const ncol::Int: Number of columns
  • const char::Int: Characteristic of type T
  • const zero::T: Number 0 of type T
  • const one::T: Number 1 of type T
  • entries::Vector{Vector{T}}: Matrix entries corresponding to columns
  • columns::Vector{Vector{Int}}: column[k] points to nonzero entries in column k
  • rows::Vector{Vector{Int}}: rows[k] points to nonzero entries in the k-th row

In this struct, the type T has to be either Int or Rational{Int}, depending on whether the sparse matrix is interpreted as a matrix with entries in the finite field $GF(p)$ for some prime $p$, or over the field of rationals, respectively. The data type has the following fields:

  • nrow::Int designates the number of rows.
  • ncol::Int gives the number of columns.
  • char::Int specifies the characteristic of the underlying field $F$. If char=0, then the field is the rationals $\mathbb{Q}$, and one has to have T = Rational{Int}. If, on the other hand, the finite field $F = GF(p)$ is used, then char=p has to be a prime number. In this case, the data type of the matrix entries has to be T = Int.
  • zero::T provides 0 in the data type T.
  • one::T provides 1 in the data type T.
  • columns::Vector{Vector{Int}} is a vector of integer vectors, which contains the row indices of nonzero matrix entries in each column. More precisely, columns[k] contains an increasing list of row indices, which give the locations of all nonzero entries in column k. Note that the list for each colum has to be strictly increasing.
  • rows::Vector{Vector{Int}} is a vector of integer vectors, which contains the column indices of nonzero matrix entries in each row. It is the precise dual to the previous field. This time, rows[k] contains an increasing list of column indices, which correspond to the nonzero entries of the matrix in the k-th row.
  • entries::Vector{Vector{T}} is a vector of vectors which contains the actual matrix entries. It is organized in exactly the same way as the field columns. In other words, for every k = 1,..,ncol the matrix entry in column k and row columns[k][j] is given by entries[k][j], where j indexes the nonzero column entries from top to bottom.

This data structure is clearly redundant, in the sense that the field rows is not needed to uniquely determine the matrix. However, the type SparseMatrix is fundamental for almost every aspect of ConleyDynamics.jl, as it is used to encode the incidence coefficient map $\kappa$, and therefore also the matrix representation of the boundary operator $\partial$. And for many operations on or queries of Lefschetz complexes, one needs fast access to both the cells in the boundary and the coboundary of a given cells. While the boundary can easily be accessed via the field columns, the fast coboundary access is aided by the field rows.

We would like to point out that in view of the different underlying fields, sparse matrices should only be manipulated using the specific commands provided by the package. These are described in detail below. If there is a need for additional functionality beyond these first methods, it can be added at a later point in time.

Creating Sparse Matrices

The package provides a number of methods for creating sparse matrices with the data type SparseMatrix. These are geared towards their usage within ConleyDynamics.jl and are therefore by no means exhaustive:

  • sparse_from_full is usually invoked in the form A = sparse_from_full(AF, p=PP). The first input argument AF has to be a regular Julia integer matrix. This matrix is then converted to sparse format and returned as A. If the optional parameter p is omitted, the resulting sparse matrix is over the rational numbers $\mathbb{Q}$, otherwise it is over the finite field with characteristic PP.
  • full_from_sparse converts a given sparse matrix into a standard full matrix in Julia. The data type of the entries is either Rational{Int} or Int, depending on whether the sparse input matrix is considered over the rationals $\mathbb{Q}$ or over a finite field, respectively. When invoking this command, be mindful of the size of the sparse matrix!
  • sparse_from_lists creates a sparse matrix solely based on its nonzero entries and their locations. It expects the following required input arguments, in the order they are listed:
    • nr::Int: Number of rows
    • nc::Int: Number of columns
    • tchar: Field characteristic, which has to be 0 if $F = \mathbb{Q}$ and a positive prime otherwise
    • tzero::T: Number 0 of type T
    • tone::T: Number 1 of type T
    • r::Vector{Int}: Vector of row indices
    • c::Vector{Int}: Vector of column indices
    • v::Vector{T}: Vector of matrix entries
    The function assumes that the vectors r, c, and v have the same length and that the matrix has entry v[k] at the location (r[k],c[k]). Zero entries will be ignored, and multiple entries for the same matrix position raise an error. Furthermore, if tchar>0, then the entries in v are all replaced by their values modulo tchar. As mentioned before, if tchar=0 then the entry type has to be T = Rational{Int}, otherwise we have T = Int.
  • lists_from_sparse takes a sparse matrix and disassembles it into the separate ingredients specified in the discussion of the previous function. In this sense, it is precisely the inverse method of sparse_from_lists.
  • sparse_identity creates a sparse identity matrix. It is invoked as A = sparse_identity(n, p=PP), and returns a sparse identity matrix A with n rows and n columns. If the optional characteristic parameter specified and positive, then the matrix is considered over the finite field with characteristic PP, otherwise it is over the rationals\mathbb{Q}`.

Of these methods, the function sparse_from_lists provides the easiest and quickest way to create a sparse matrix.

Sparse Matrix Access

Access to the entries of sparse matrices is provided via the following commands:

  • sparse_get_entry extracts the matrix entry val of the matrix A located in row ri and column ci, if it is invoked using the command val = sparse_get_entry(A,ri,ci).
  • sparse_set_entry! sets the matrix entry of the matrix A located in row ri and column ci to the value 'val', if it is invoked using the command sparse_set_entry!(A,ri,ci,val). Internally, this commands makes sure that the above-defined format of the fields of a sparse matrix is preserved. Note that the data type of val has to match the type of Moreover, if the matrix is considered over a finite field the value val has to be given as an integer between 0 and A.char-1.
  • sparse_get_column is invoked as Acol = sparse_get_column(A,ci), and it returns the full ci-th column of the matrix A as a Vector{T} of length A.nrow.
  • sparse_get_nz_column returns the row indices for the nonzero entries in the ci-th column of the sparse matrix A, if invoked as rivec = sparse_get_nz_column(A,ci).
  • sparse_minor creates a minor from a given sparse matrix A. For this, one needs to specify the row and column indices of the minor in the integer vectors rvec and cvec, respectively, and then invoke the function using the command AM = sparse_minor(A,rvec,cvec). Note that the entries in rvec and cvec do not have to be in increasing order, but they are not allowed to contain repeated indices.

One can also read and set sparse matrix values using the overloaded methods y = A[i,j] and A[i,j] = val. In the latter case, it is up to the user to make sure that val respects the underlying sparse matrix field.

Elementary Matrix Operations

The following commands perform the basic sparse matrix operations that are needed for the functionality of the package:

  • sparse_add_column! is invoked using the form sparse_add_column!(A,ci1,ci2,cn,cd), and it replaces the ci1-th column column[ci1] of A by column[ci1] + (cn/cd) * column[ci2]. This operation automatically performs the computations over the field $F$ underlying the sparse matrix A. In other words, if this field is finite, then it determines the inverse of the argument cd as part of the computation.
  • sparse_add_row! is invoked using the form sparse_add_row!(A,ri1,ri2,cn,cd), and it replaces the ri1-th row row[ri1] of A by row[ri1] + (cn/cd) * row[ri2]. As before, this operation automatically performs the computations over the field $F$ underlying the sparse matrix A.
  • sparse_permute creates a new sparse matrix by permuting the row and column indices. It is invoked using the command AP = sparse_permute(A,pr,pc), and the integer vectors pr and pc have to describe the row and column permutations, respectively.
  • sparse_remove! is invoked as sparse_remove!(A,ri,ci) and removes the sparse matrix entry in the ri-th row and ci-th colum, i.e., it effectively sets the entry equal to zero.
  • sparse_multiply computes the matrix product of two sparse matrices. Exceptions are raised if the matrix product is not defined, or if the involved sparse matrices are defined over different fields. One can also use the operator form A*B to compute the product of sparse matrices.

As mentioned earlier, additional operations can easily be implemented if they become necessary.

Sparse Matrix Information

Finally, ConleyDynamics.jl provides the following functions for quickly extracting certain information from sparse matrices:

  • sparse_size is invoked as size = sparse_size(A,dim), and it returns the number of rows if dim=1, or the number of columns for dim=2.
  • sparse_low returns the largest row index ri of a nonzero entry in the ci-th column of the matrix A, if used in the form ri = sparse_low(A,ci). In other words, it returns the row index of the lowest nonzero matrix entry in the column.
  • sparse_is_sut checks whether a given sparse matrix is strictly upper triangular, and returns either true or false.
  • sparse_fullness returns the fullness of a sparse matrix as a floating point number. Here fullness refers to the ratio of the number of nonzero matrix elements and the total number of matrix entries.
  • sparse_sparsity computes the sparseness of a sparse matrix, which is defined as $1$ minus its fullness, i.e., it is the ratio of the number of zero matrix elements and the total number of matrix entries.
  • sparse_show can be used to display a sparse matrix in traditional matrix form at the Julia REPL prompt.